OBC Advisory Committee Rules of Conduct
OBC Advisory Committee
Rules of Conduct
(Updated 01/11/2025)

Term Limits
Meeting Conduct
Appointed Positions
Special Committees
OBC Directory
New Members
Current Members
Conflict Resolution
Former Members
OBC Inactive Membership
OBC Retired Category
OBC Certified Dealer Requirements
Email Groups
Email Etiquette
Want Lists



The OBC Advisory committee (hereinafter referred to as the OBCAC) shall act on matters concerning the whole of OBC and its future direction. It shall make decisions pertaining to membership, both current and new, and resolve any conflicts or issues that arise among individual members that can not be resolved between the parties involved.

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OBCAC voting members will serve from March 1st until the end of February of the following year. If, after the conclusion of the voting, a new Facilitator is elected, the outgoing Facilitator shall remain on the OBCAC in an advisory capacity for a period not to exceed 7 days, the purpose of which is to provide a transitional period wherein the outgoing Facilitator may advise the incoming Facilitator and OBCAC of any ongoing topics/current business which may require attention of the new OBCAC. The first vacancy that occurs will be filled by the alternate member. Any additional vacancies shall be filled by the next highest vote total from the election.

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Term Limits

No voting or alternate member may serve on the OBCAC for more than two consecutive terms. Members who serve two consecutive terms cannot accept nomination for the next AC election or serve as a replacement member during the following term. After that term ends, they are once again eligible to be nominated or selected for OBCAC service. For purposes of calculating terms, a member must serve for more than 1/2 of a term for it to count towards the 2 consecutive year limit. There are no term limits on the non-voting Facilitator position.

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Election Commissioner - One OBC member will be appointed by the Facilitator as "Election Commissioner" (Commissioner). If the Facilitator is unable or fails to appoint an Election Commissioner by January 15 of each year, the OBCAC shall appoint the Election Commissioner. That person will keep track of nominations, balloting and announcing the results of OBC elections. The election commissioner is ineligible to run for any elected OBCAC position, nor serve any OBCAC appointed position for that term. In the event a Commissioner leaves this role prior to the conclusion of voting, the Facilitator will notify OBC's general membership to suspend voting, pending selection of a replacement Commissioner. The outgoing Commissioner will deliver all existing votes to a replacement appointed by the Facilitator and announced to OBC's general membership. The Facilitator can extend the voting period, if needed, to allow for selection of this replacement Commissioner.

Nominations - Each year from February 1 thru February 14, the Commissioner will accept nominations to be a candidate in simultaneous elections for (a) "OBCAC Facilitator" and (b) "OBCAC voting member". A member may be nominated and appear on the ballot for both positions, however the successful candidate for the position of Facilitator will not be allowed to serve as an OBCAC voting member. In this circumstance, a seat on the OBCAC will fall to the eighth placed nominee on the OBCAC voting members ballot. Self-nominations are not allowed. Inactive and Retired members are not allowed to nominate or be nominated for a position on the AC nor as Facilitator.

Candidate qualifications - Any Active Member in good standing, not otherwise restricted from running, who has been a member of OBC for a minimum of three (3) years, as of February 1 of the election year, is eligible to be nominated and elected to the OBCAC and/or Facilitator positions. Any Former Member who has been readmitted to OBC who was an active Member for less than three (3) years at the time they left OBC, will not be eligible until they have been in OBC for three (3) years from the date of their being readmitted. Any Former Member who has been readmitted to OBC who was an Active Member for at least three (3) years prior to leaving OBC, shall be eligible one (1) year after the date of their being readmitted.

Acceptance of nomination - It is the nominator's responsibility to obtain OBCAC nominee's acceptance of nomination prior to Feb 15 and forward to the election commissioner. If the nomination is not accepted by Feb 15, the nominee will not appear on the ballot.

Campaigning - No campaigning is permitted on OBC email groups. Nominees can send a brief bio to the Election Commissioner for inclusion under their ballot entry. Bio info is limited to name, age, occupation, location, family, OBC tenure, collecting focus, and other hobbies or interests. It's preferred that nominees submit this bio with their acceptance confirmation and the Commissioner won't accept bios after Feb. 14.

Election - From February 15 through the end of the month, it is the responsibility for each OBC member of OBC to send in a ballot to the Commissioner listing their choices for up to seven voting members and one non-voting Facilitator. Inactive and Retired members are NOT allowed to vote. The Commissioner will keep track of all ballots. In case of a tie for the final spots and/or alternate in the OBCAC election, the following tie-breaker procedures shall be place: 1. The people who are tied for the position(s) shall have 48 hours to decide among themselves how the positions should be filled. 2. If a tie still remains, then the person who has never served on the OBCAC or has not served for the longest period of time shall serve. 3. If a tie still remains, then a 1 week run-off shall occur. Each OBC member shall only have 1 vote, regardless of how many positions are tied. 4. If a tie still remains, then a coin flip shall occur. Remaining members involved in the tie shall become alternates in order.

OBCAC Facilitator Election - The member with the highest number of votes in the election for OBCAC Facilitator will serve as OBCAC Facilitator.

OBCAC Voting Member Election - The seven candidates with the highest number of votes in the election for OBCAC Voting Member will serve as OBCAC Voting members. The candidate with the next highest total will be an Alternate Voting Member, who will serve if there is a vacancy in the OBCAC.

Election results - The Commissioner shall release the voting results (but not vote totals) to the general membership on March 1. Actual vote totals shall be available privately for 30 days after the election. Actual vote totals shall be verified privately by outgoing and incoming Facilitators. Totals shall not be published to OBC's general membership. Totals shall be provided only by request of the AC or Facilitator during their terms.

OBCAC leave of absence - A member of the OBCAC may take a Leave of Absence they feel they will not be able to participate in OBCAC business for at least a 21 day period. During any Leave of Absence, the OBCAC Alternate shall have full participation and voting rights. The OBCAC member who has taken a Leave of Absence may return to their position ten (10) days after notifying the OBCAC of their ability to once again participate in OBCAC business. The Alternate shall have voting rights on any and all motions made prior to the original OBCAC member date of return.

Removal from OBCAC - Regular participation in the business of the advisory committee is expected and what the membership voted for. Though not every term of service is the same with regard to pending business, when business is at hand everyone on the advisory committee needs to participate. The OBCAC is entrusted to take any action necessary to recover from emergency or urgent situations, including but not limited to removal of OBCAC members and officers who are unable or unwilling to fulfill their responsibilities. If this should occur and the active members of the AC reach simple consensus that the process should begin they will appoint someone (either the facilitator or a voting member) to inform the unresponsive member of pending action for removal. The unresponsive member will be given every opportunity to resume regular participation over at least a 30 - 45 day period. If there is no change in the situation then with a super-majority vote of 5 or more votes can remove an OBCAC member from their duties. This process can also be used to remove any of the OBCAC appointed positions.

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Meeting Conduct

Voting Members (7)

It is the obligation of the seven elected voting members to participate as best they can in the regular discussions that take place throughout the annual term. Voting members are encouraged to comment and make their views known during the one week comment period, prior to voting. The non-voting alternate is permitted to add to the monthly discussion on issues if they choose to do so. Voting members are to vote within seven days from the point when a vote is called for. Unless a super majority vote is required by the ROC, 4 affirmative votes shall be required for any motion to pass. OBCAC business may be conducted via chat rooms, email, motion tracker, or other means as determined by the OBCAC. A vacancy of a voting member is filled by the elected non-voting member aka OBCAC Alternate. Additional vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of the OBCAC.

Non-Voting Member (1)

It is the obligation for the single elected non-voting member to be familiar with the various topics of discussion as they take place over the course of the annual term. The Non-voting OBCAC Alternate member must be ready to take a voting members place if someone needs to leave the OBCAC for any reason. Vacancies in the non-voting member position shall be filled by a majority vote of the OBCAC if two or more months remain in the term. The OBCAC may choose not to fill the vacancy if less time remains.

Non-Voting Facilitator (1)

This very important role is to be filled by an elected member who can be unbiased and conduct their role absent of position taking and opinion. This is important because the odd number of voting members is intentional to provide a decision making platform, even in closely contested discussions. The facilitator needs to be able to move discussions forward without tipping this platform one way or the other - the voting members provide opposing view-points not the facilitator.

The facilitator role includes:

1. Assisting to coordinate the agenda for the voting members.

2. Facilitate voting members toward consensus as best they can.

3. Provide a monthly report to the members at large (usually in the first week of the month). The report is a synopsis of the previous month's business and a call for agenda items for the current month.

4. The facilitator will report any proposed agenda items to the voting members as the monthly agenda is set.

5. The facilitator does not set policy; the voting members are to set the policy.

6. The facilitator may be asked to communicate with the members at large or individual members in special communications established by the voting members. The facilitator is not to initiate these types of communications outside of the direction of the voting members.

7. Inform the other OBCAC members of any and all communications from membership or prospective and former members.

A vacancy in the facilitator position may be filled by a majority vote of the OBCAC.

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Appointed Positions

The following positions are appointed/re-appointed by the OBCAC. After the new OBCAC is elected each year, their first act will be to select and confirm these appointed positions during their one year term.

OBC Treasurer
The treasurer must have been a member of OBC for at least 3 years. The Facilitator for the current term will serve as the backup to the Treasurer. The OBC treasurer collects dues, and reports to the OBCAC any member who fails to pay dues. The OBC treasurer distributes funds only as directed by the OBCAC, and will provide the OBCAC with all account information when requested.

OBC Webmaster
The OBC Webmaster is a volunteer position appointed by the OBCAC. The purpose of the OBC Webmaster is to review, evaluate, and implement website suggestions and maintain website content on his/her own initiative while under the general guidance of the OBCAC. The OBC Webmaster serves as the OBCAC technical focal point for the issues that effect OBC, and provides guidance and input on these matters. The OBC Webmaster may appoint capable volunteers from the membership to assist as needed.

OBCAC New Member Contact
A member of the OBC should be appointed as the new member contact person. The main duties of the new member contact person are to assist applicants in submitting a complete application, confirming sponsors, and expediting the application process. Requirements for new applicants are listed in the FAQ and OBC Rules of Conduct.

New Member Contact Checklist
1. Check applications page at least once a week.
2. Ensure application is complete.
a) Name address phone number etc
b) 3 sponsors must be listed (ALL sponsors must be an OBC member for at least TWO years).
3. Email potential member if application is incomplete and state which requirements have not been met.
4. Email the listed sponsors to ensure recommendation.
5. Post potential members name on the announcements server and request that all OBC members review the completed application. Also seek feedback from all OBC members on the potential member for one week.
6. Assign potential member a mentor.

Who Collects What Administrator (Added 1/11/2025)
1. Work with members who have feedback on WCW to maintain and improve it.
2. Identify WCW entries that are inaccurate, either by their own observation or from a notification by any OBC member.
3. For inaccurate entries, reach out to the associated member and ask them to correct the entry(s).  If said entries are not cleaned up within a week, the WCW administrator will work with the OBC Webmaster to have those entries removed.

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Special Committees

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OBC Directory

The OBC directory is a password protected page which is linked to the Directory page of the OBC web-site. This information is available at any time to any member of OBC. It is the responsibility of the individual members to keep directory information and their collecting goals current. This can be done by accessing the update link on the Directory page. New members to OBC will be instructed by the OBCAC appointed new member coordinator how to establish and maintain their directory information. The new member coordinator will also contact the e-group server moderator to add the new member to the appropriate e-mail groups.

The OBCAC shall appoint an OBC member to conduct the membership poll. Each November, this appointee will send to the active membership an email that must be responded to in order to maintain active membership status. Any member who does not respond to the membership poll after 3 email notifications will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active OBC Directory and placed on a separate Non-active / Alumni Roster which will also be accessible from the main Directory page. Inactive members are not required to respond to the membership poll. Any inactive member who wishes to return to active status can do so by simply making a request of the OBCAC for reinstatement.

Members can take the opportunity at any time to check and update their directory information At no time should members share any directory information with non-members as this is private information.

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To cover the expense of our website hosting and domain name, the active and inactive members will be periodically billed a modest amount for dues not to exceed $10, payable December 1st. The OBCAC facilitator (non voting member) will notify the OBC membership prior to the due date, and advise the membership where to send payment. Any member who cannot afford this payment must notify an OBCAC member and dues payment shall be waived. Failure to pay dues or notify an OBCAC member of a financial hardship will result in removal from OBC Membership. If a person is admitted into OBC after December 1st, his/her first dues payment will be the same as the other members, the following December 1st.

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New Members

Once the New Member Contact has certified an application as complete, the New Member Contact announces the completed application to the membership on the Announcements Server. The New Member Contact then makes the completed application available for the membership to comment, and after one week the application is automatically moved to the OBCAC for voting. If the new member is approved, the New Member Contact notifies the membership on the Announcements Server, ensures the new member is entered into the OBC Directory, and ensures the new member is invited to the OBC email groups. If an application is refused, the applicant may resubmit at a later date to be determined by the OBCAC. (Amended by OBCAC 1/1/2022)

All new members shall be appointed an OBC Mentor. For new member introduction into OBC, we have devised a mentoring or coaching system. This is meant to provide each new member with a "buddy" who can give helpful advice on the protocol, swapping, and communications of the group. The Mentor shall be appointed by the New Member Contact. Ideally, the Mentor shall be from the new member's sponsors. Regardless, the appointed mentor shall have at least 2 years experience in OBC. It is expected that the mentor reach out to their mentee as soon as notified by the New Member Contact as being chosen as the mentor. The mentor should welcome the new member into the group and give them some tips on where to begin and how to get started. It is urged that the new member and the mentor have frequent contact during the first year of the new member's admission into OBC. There are no rules for mentorship, but misunderstood communications, disordered trades causing friction and hurt feelings can be avoided by discussing with the mentor before leaping head first into the group. We count on the mentor to help you ease into the fun world of OBC!

In order for New Members to become accustomed to OBC's tradition of Random Acts of Kindness, they shall not be eligible to post any items for sale within OBC on any email group, including the Dealer Scum group until they have been a member of OBC for six (6) months.

In addition, New Members are restricted on voting in the OBCAC elections until they have been in OBC for at least 6 months.

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Current Members

As of the annual membership poll current active members are verified and their contact information is available on the directory page. Retired and in-memorial members are also listed on this page without contact information. Inactive members are listed on a separate tab of the website and their want lists are not posted . A member in good standing is one that is up to date on dues (if applicable) or not under any sanction imposed by the OBCAC. Anyone wishing to be removed from the active member's directory before the annual poll should contact the OBCAC and express their desire for removal.

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Conflict Resolution

Any member may submit a member of OBC for disciplinary action or sanctions. The OBC member must write to the OBCAC detailing the problem. The OBCAC will review and discuss the merits of the complaint and on a majority vote that a substantive issue exists, the accused member will be asked to respond. Every attempt will be made by the AC to obtain testimony from both sides on the allegation, to arbitrate, and to resolve the situation amicably. If, however, no resolution can be found and the complaint is upheld, the AC may sanction through warning, censure, suspension, or to expel the offending member as deemed appropriate to the offense. Expulsion shall require a super majority of a minimum 5 votes. Each complaint will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
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Former Members

Any former member, who was in good standing at the time of resignation, may reapply for membership by simply filling out the OBC Membership Application. Select the link at the top of the application for former members which leads to the shortened form, designed for past members of OBC. Once the former member has submitted the application wth their desired return status, the New Member Contact announces the completed application to the membership on the Announcements Server. The New Member Contact then makes the completed application available for the membership to comment, and after one week the application is automatically moved to the OBCAC for voting. If the former member is approved, the New Member Contact ensures the entry is made into the OBC Directory, notifies the membership on the Announcements Server, and ensures the new member is invited to the appropriate OBC email groups. (Amended by OBCAC 1/1/2022)

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OBC Inactive Membership

Your doubles box was emptied months ago. Your local card shop has either closed its doors, or you have located and purchased every off grade card he had in stock. When was the last time you found a bargain on eBay? Maybe you just cannot keep up anymore? But you treasure your OBC Membership. An OBC Inactive Membership might be for you.

OBC Inactive Members Procedures:

1. An inactive member entry in the directory will be labeled inactive member. Entries will include the inactive members name and email link only. A link to the inactive members wantlist or homepage is not permitted.

2. Inactive members would be allowed to subscribe to the Ramblings and National email groups, but not the Wantlist, Dealer Scum, Virtual Card Store or Thanks email groups.

3. Inactive members may keep their entry in the OBC Bios page.

4. Inactive members are not required to respond to OBC Membership Polls. The OBC Membership Poll is for the current active membership.

5. Inactive members may not serve on the OBCAC (Advisory Committee) nor serve as facilitator.

6. Inactive members are not eligible to vote in the annual OBCAC elections.

7. A time limitation has been set on Inactive membership status to three (3) years. A person assigned by the AC will contact all Inactive members to get confirmation from each Inactive member to stay on the Inactive list. After the contact has been made, each Inactive member will need to respond within three (3) years to remain on the Inactive listing, otherwise they will be removed from the directory and would need to reapply using the membership application to rejoin OBC. The date upon which the Inactive member agrees will be documented on the directory listing or provided to the OBCAC.

Current OBC members may move to the inactive membership list by contacting any OBCAC member. The OBCAC member will then notify the webmaster to move the member to the Inactive Member Directory.(Amended by OBCAC 1/1/2022)

IF the inactive member desires no more e-mail as well and can't figure out how to take their names off the email groups themselves, then that should be indicated to the AC member who will also notify the e-mail server moderator to take care of that for them. (However, at no time should the member's name be unsubscribed from the 'Announcements' server, as important information for both ACTIVE and INACTIVE members will be shared on this server.)

When the member is ready to become active again, they notify an OBCAC member to that fact and they in turn notify the webmaster to add them back to the OBC Member Directory.(Amended by OBCAC 1/1/2022)

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OBC Retired Category

A "Retired" member of OBC is someone who has stopped collecting OBC style cards (vintage, off-grade). They either no longer collect cards, have sold their collections or passed it along to a relative. This includes those who are now dealers, only do UV or only graded material, and are no longer swapping within OBC. They have retired from OBC active status. They have developed friendships and/or enjoy reading the Ramblings server, and want to stay in touch with those friends and other sports fanatics.

Those electing this category would be exempt from the membership polls and dues. They would be ineligible for any OBC role, including Advisory Committee, Treasurer, Mentor or Sponsor. They would be allowed to subscribe to the Ramblings, UV and National email groups, but not the Wantlist, Dealer Scum, Virtual Card Store or Thanks groups.

Should a "Retired" member choose to return to active or inactive status, they would need to go through the "Former Member" process.(Amended by OBCAC 1/1/2022)

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OBC Certified Dealer Requirements

For a dealer to be listed on the OBC Certified Dealer section of the OBC web site requires a recommendation of 5 different OBC members. Any OBC member can petition the OBCAC with the name of an "OBC Certified Dealer" accompanied by at least 4 additional recommendations for that dealer from the membership. The OBCAC will then decide on the inclusion of the recommended dealer. 'OBC Certified Dealers' can be removed from the list; if an OBC member complains to the OBCAC about a dealer listed, the OBCAC will approach the membership to gather enough information to either retain or remove said dealer.

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E-mail Groups

Most OBC communication occurs via e-mail. In order to control the volume of e-mail, several mail groups have been established on Google Groups. OBC mail groups are intended to explore our shared interest for pre-1981 cards. Barring emergencies determined by the OBCAC, the ownership of the Google Groups should be restricted to the current Facilitator, Webmaster and New Member role. If two of these roles are occupied by the same person, then the OBCAC may designate a third person to act in the role of owner. Ownership change for Facilitator will coincide with the regular election. Ownership change for Webmaster and New Member will change at time the new designee for these roles is determined.

In order for New Members to become accustomed to OBC's tradition of Random Acts of Kindness, they shall not be eligible to post any items for sale within OBC on any email group, including the Dealer Scum group until they have been a member of OBC for six (6) months. New Members will also be restricted from the Virtual Card Store email and from voting in any OBC elections for the same (6) months until they have grown more accustom to OBC philosophy.

If a member needs to be added to a group, please email the Webmaster.

The following describes the purpose of these E-mail groups:


This group is used for official OBC-wide announcements. Membership on this list is mandatory. Only OBCAC members and others approved by the facilitator may post messages to this list.

Vintage Thanks

This group is used to post messages thanking members for vintage items received. As a convenience the Vintage Thanks group can be used for both vintage and UV cards; however, detailed description of UV cards received should be reserved for the UV e-mail group. Thanks for newer cards should be restricted to a short thank you for unmentionables.


This is a place for general conversation, observations, and communication. Personal details of what is happening in members' lives are always appropriate on the OBC Ramblings e-mail group. Comments or remarks that are socially divisive are prohibited, including but not limited to political and religious commentary. Members who continually use this medium for inappropriate discussion can be suspended from the E-mail group or removed from the group entirely by OBCAC action.

Want Lists, Waivers, Wauctions, & Tradeables (aka Wantlist)

This group is used for the optional distribution of want lists; for offering cards up for grabs for free (waivers or wauctions), or trade proposals. Auctioning of cards is not permitted without OBCAC approval. OBC Auctions are usually restricted to raising funds for a specific altruistic purpose.

Virtual Card Store

This group is for OBC-Certified Dealers, and any other dealers approved by the AC, to offer cards for sale to OBC members.

Dealer Scum

This group is for OBC members to offer cards for sale to other OBC members. Cards for sale must be pre-1981. Also, this is not Ebay; cards should be priced in the spirit that we are a community of collectors, and not trying to gouge each other. Individual Topps or Bowman commons, or similarly cheap cards that typically flow freely on waiver wires should not be listed.


This group is used for discussion, tips and hints for the annual National Sports Cards Collectors Convention.

UV Lists

This group is used for detailed references to post-1980 cards. (Note: All other OBC groups except for UV List are intended for discussions of pre-1981 cards. Detailed mention of cards issued after 1980 should be confined to the UV List group.) Sale of UV cards is permitted on the UV Lists email group.

Directions on how to subscribe to the OBC e-mail groups, along with the available options, will be provided to all new members and will be listed on the public Directory page. Additional mail groups may be established by the OBCAC. Any OBCAC member, or anyone appointed by the OBCAC, may administer the mail groups.

UV List Sales: Any cards for sale that are 1981 or later are to be sold on this email group. Also, this is not Ebay; cards should be priced in the spirit that we are a community of collectors, and not trying to gouge each other. Individual Topps or Bowman commons, or similarly cheap cards that typically flow freely on waiver wires should not be listed.(Amended by OBCAC 1/1/2022)

Email Etiquette

As a courtesy, please combine your posts whenever possible rather than issuing several thanks in succession.

All postings to OBC email groups should include a first and last name within the post or as a part of the sender's e-mail address for easy identification of the sender.

Want lists posted via e-mail should be dated for accuracy and reliability.

For Thanks messages, it is not necessary to list every card you received.

Always thank or acknowledge the person who sent cards, at least privately, so they know the items arrived and were appreciated.

The full names of those who are being thanked would be helpful to include in the message.

Some of us belong to other groups so, as a courtesy, please refrain from using OBC e-mail groups to thank non-OBC members.

Messages of outgoing cards should be sent privately so that other members know that cards are coming their way.

Members should restrict their posts to a single email group; there is no reason to send the same message to multiple email groups. If your message is important enough that absolutely everyone NEEDS to see it, send it to the AC who can at their discretion send it to the Announcements email group

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Want Lists

It is the responsibility of each member to maintain a current wantlist. The OBC website provides a link to each members homepage or OBC wantlist. Directions on maintaining your OBC wantlist will be provided to all new members. Wantlists may also be sent to the OBC wantlist mail server.

All members must have a good faith wantlist posted and not contain any mention to UV ( cards issued in 1981 or later) on their home page. A link to UV lists on the home page is acceptable. If you need assistance in adjusting your want list, the AC would be happy to assign someone to help you make any changes that are necessary.

For the safety of the individual members wantlists should not include personal information such as addresses and phone numbers. To maintain the integrity of the OBC website under no circumstance is advertising to be placed on individual sites that are maintained thru the OBC site. Since OBC is more than just the cardboard we trade, under certain circumstances a member may refrain from keeping an online wantlist. The OBCAC should have an accounting from any member who does not wish to keep or have a link to their online webpage.

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